So I want to define this one. On a Bing and Google search on this date (03/26/2019), I find zero results. So it is currently a "clean" hashtag.

In social media, I constantly see people reacting to posts and events, often harshly. It causes division in society. Not that we should be dishonest to keep unity! That is a false unity that is currently plaguing the world.
True unity or "fellowship" (noun not verb), is achieved from a common foundation be it background or foundation of thought. If the basic foundation is different. there can not be true unity or fellowship.
As an American, my core political foundation is based on the founding documents. This means that all people ("men" in the royal Mankind term) are created equal. And the purpose of government is to provide an environment to allow individuals "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", among other things. As a Christian, I have to have a love (agapé) for all people. And I can't hold non-believers to the same standards I hold to myself (this is another blog post though).
Because of the misuse of social and news media, we are striking pointless divisions. People want "Unity through diversity" by force. We join like-minded groups and expound on the evils of what "they" say and generally badger anybody who does not agree, specifically because their "diversity" is wrong.
How does Ivan Pavlov fit in? We have conditioned ourselves to react to the "bell" of our social media. It rules us. Hence the term #UDruzhok - When you slam other people without evidence or logic because you heard this or believe that, you are being a bully-pawn.
One of the findings of the "Mueller Report Summary" is that the Russian Government DID try to influence the campaign of 2016. their purpose was to "to conduct disinformation and social media operations in the United States designed to sow social discord, eventually with the aim of interfering with the election." It also cleared Trump and all of his people of wrongdoing in this matter. So whenever you glorify or promote things that cause division, especially without evidence, you are playing into their hands. This is true whether the Republican, Democrat, Socialist, Libertarian or any other party or group directs us to be unthinkingly aggressive.
When people react to the "bell" of politic or emotional responses I offer you a simple response to identifying such verbiage - #UDruzhok
Druzhok (Root for #UDruzhok):
In Ukranian, it means "Bully". Russian "Boy Friend" (Interesting no?) - English Buddy. I'm going for the Ukrainian here. It was the name of one of Pavlov's dogs from his 1903 study.
Use: the reactors to the news and social media who are the Bully-Pawns fo their cherished political leanings.
We should have an open discussion and base our decisions on reality. I know that is a tall order, especially for those that believe things like socialism could actually work. Sure, if Jesus Christ was physically in charge, maybe. But the reality is a little different. Hence the reason for the Republic of the United States vs the Democracy of the United States.
The challenge is getting people to accept demonstrated reality. I've had to accept an imperfect president for my entire life. All humans are corruptible and make mistakes. But that is why our republic moves slowly. It is far harder to cause major damage that way. But if we stand on the foundation of reality, intellectual honesty, and actual fact, we can build a truly diverse culture that has a solid fellowship in the belief of individual freedom.
What does that mean? It means you ought not to be able to force people to do what you want, just because you want it. If you don't like what they do, then don't patronize or associate with them. But let them have their freedom no matter how much you "feel" they are wrong. Being ruled by feelings is a dangerous path (Galatians 5:19-22).
Conversely, just because you feel it does not make it true. It is a fact that taking another person's life is a bad thing, in most circumstances. Taking somebodies money to pay for what you may think is "right" is also wrong.
As long as you allow me to exercise my natural freedoms, you can be any sexual orientation you want, you can do anything you want as long as it does not impact others. There is probably another blog post on that idea alone.
But in the meantime...
Have an honest mind. Trump may have done things illegally at some point. But the whole Russian Conspiracy thing is a dead horse by any standards. Find the evidence for the other, just make sure it is evidence, not hear-say.
A final thought is in 2020, try voting for the candidate that will protect your freedom, not who will institute your will. Because if you can foist your will on me, eventually I may be able to do the same to you. Freedom is the ability to do as you will. Even if I don't like it. But remember that using the government to institute will, is using force. Robert A Heinlein said it well in "Starship Troopers" (It actually made it into the trashy movie):
“When you vote, you are exercising political authority, you're using force. And force, my friends, is violence. The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived.” ~ Lieutenant Colonel Jean V. Dubois (Book character).
Gregor - Back from the brink! From there and back again. A spiritual Hobbits journey.