
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Does a war end just because you say so?

On September 10th, 2001, if you asked Al Qaeda they would have told you they were at war with the Great Shatan, America. Suddenly on September 11th of that year, America became educated as to our status in that conflict.  Though we had fought skirmishes since the 1980s, we always treated them as a punitive police action.  Play nice or we will throw bombs and missiles at you. We never viewed it as a war.

The last war that ended was World War II.  In that case, the enemies of the allies surrendered. There was no question the war had ended.   Later the enemies we defeated asked us, the allies to help them rebuild and we have had a presence there, to guarantee their freedom from the new communist enemy. Slightly different than in Korea.

In Korea, we got sucked into a 70-year occupation of territory to protect the southern half of a republic.  That was negotiated by the “peace.” A peace that has threatened to erupt into war the entire time. 

We retreated from Vietnam. Should we have been there?  Probably not. Again we fought for no real purpose and then withdrew under political pressure from home.  World War II had a cause.  Korea and Vietnam did not. 

In these 20 years of unfettered conflict, we have attacked countries all over the middle east. In that time, we have destabilized the entire region.  We have gifted $80 billion in advanced weapons to a group of tribal leaders who wish to establish a theocracy.  Who has a vision of global peace through making all of us either radical Islamists, slaves, or dead!  In their eyes, those are your choices. Now they are better armed than many nations. 

What was the purpose in Afghanistan?

I would love to be done with Afghanistan.  That has been a wish of mine for years.  My reason is I’ve seen no end in sight.  There has not been an exit strategy in any conflict we’ve been in for 70 years. But the answer to ending a war is to defeat an enemy.  Not negotiate a peace, nor simply walk away.  With Japan, Germany, and Italy, we defeated them and then offered the hand of friendship to help them rebuild. For many years we had a good relationship with our allies, and we could count those former enemies among that number.  Now we have broken the trust of our allies, but we have armed people who have sworn to destroy us. Forgive me if I think this is not a win, but an abject failure.

In a news conference today (08/31/2021) Representative Dan Crenshaw, who was injured in that Afghan war in 2012, made very clear how abandoning hundreds if not thousands of American Citizens, and even more, Afghan Citizens who helped us fight is a travesty that may never be resolved.  That breach of trust and violation of responsible behavior is yet another misdemeanor if not a High Crime that this President has committed in the name of his political agenda. So the list of impeachable offenses continues.   There was no sound reason to handle this in the way his administration has. President Biden exercised criminal intent by tying the hands of our military and forcing them to do what they did.  And our Military Command showed their true colors by capitulating and not fighting for a congressional review. Again, passion over principle in the politics of the Democrats.

Please note who is responsible!

If you really think it is President Biden you are wrong.  It was obvious what was going to happen if he came into power.  President Biden was going to be exactly the President he has become. A man with no principles.  Tossed to and fro by the whims of his party.  Paying no attention to the principles set in our constitution.  Ignoring the Supreme court.  If he is willing to ignore the Supreme Court on the Border and property rights, what is next?  Do you think any of your individual rights are safe here?  Like Maxine Waters Said “Just do it! What can they do?”

This is what you voted for America when you voted Personality over principle.  Congratulations.  The blood of our fellow citizens is on your hands.  And if you think it is not, then feel free to lie to yourself while the rest of your rights are taken away. 

Gregor - Back from the brink! From there and back again. A spiritual Hobbits journey.

#ImpeachBiden, #ImpeachBidenHarrisPelosiNOW

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Can we now impeach President Biden?

To impeach a president they must be guilty of high crimes or misdemeanors.  Though “High Crimes” is relatively obvious, we consider misdemeanors as traffic tickets or lower crimes like petty theft.  In the 1828 Webster Dictionary:

Misdemeanor: In law, an offense of a less atrocious nature than a crime. Crimes and misdemeanors are mere synonymous terms; but in common usage, the word crime is made to denote offenses of a deeper and more atrocious dye, while small faults and omissions of less consequence are comprised under the gentler name of misdemeanors

That is a far cry from what we currently consider shoplifting a candy bar.

Treason is a high crime.  In that same dictionary:

In the United States, treason is confined to the actual levying of war against the United States, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them aid and comfort.

Question:  Is abandoning a fully equipped airbase giving aid and comfort to the enemy?

According to news reports we “Turned over” Bagram Airbase to the Afgan Military.  Some follow-up reports indicate Afghanistan was not notified we were leaving.  The Taliban/Isis and looters arrived at the base before the Afgan Military and took control of the billions in advanced weapons. This was done at the order of President Biden

Question: As an American, should you expect your government to protect you?

As of this writing, people with American passports are not being allowed on to the tarmac at Kabul Airport.  Estimates of 11,000 to 19,000 Americans are outside the fences.  They are people that will be used by the new regime as hostages or bargaining chips, compounding the crimes or treason by this administration.    I would at least consider this a breach of trust and therefore a misdemeanor under the constitution.

Question: Is this President Bidens fault?

This is a valid question.  When this first started I was willing to think it may not be.  But let us look at the facts. 

  1. The date of May1st has been known for over a year.  The Current administration then picked August 31st after they failed to act on what was needed.  The 15-20 thousand US non-combatant civilians should have been evacuated starting in January.
  2. The administration gave the names and identities of Americans and US Green cardholders to the Taliban and therefore ISIS.  There is no indication that these people are actually allies.  They have not kept their word on any occasion. 
  3. As soon as The current administration was sworn in, the Taliban was on the offensive.  No consequences were given to the Taliban for breaking their promise of non-aggression. 
  4. For the first time in history, the State Department was put in charge of an evacuation.  The last time the State Depart was put in charge we saw another
    Everything I need to know I
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    "Princess Bride"

    failure in Benghazi. And again no charges were filed

Mr. President, your administration is to blame for this.  Not Mr. Trump.  Just like at the border, had you followed the existing plan things would not have escalated.

Are you in charge or not President Biden? 

Gregor - Back from the brink! From there and back again. A spiritual Hobbits journey.

What color is "Un-Afflilated?"

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