The Second step is part of that triad of decision steps. Step one is all about coming to know deep in your heart that you can’t control this disease of compulsive behaviors. Step 2 is coming to trust a solution. In it's self it is not the whole solution but one tiny but important part. Just like a cornerstone is the point from which the entire structure is measured and built, the 2nd step - “Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity”- without a decision to include a Higher Power as at least possible, we are back to playing against ourselves. True belief is not even required for this to work, “Do I believe, or am I even willing to believe that there is a Power greater than myself?” (Pg 47 BBoAA) Even just being willing to believe it is possible was enough for many. Why?
Because as we progress that faith is turned in to knowledge as we see our Higher Power working around us. Even people unwilling to believe in a Higher Power get results if they "act as if" there is a Higher Power for them.

It is sad that I think so little of myself that the question
that caused me the most consternation was not if there was a HP But if I was
worthy of His/Her attention. Even though
I had been a pretty good guy most of my life, I still felt like I don’t deserve
some of the life I have. It took me a
couple of weeks to come to the idea that She/He was even willing to fix my
broken down life. You see I have not managed my life well at all. In my mind I’m not pleasing to God.
I still struggle with
that after over a hundred days food sober. I don’t even have a little thought
that I did this whole sobriety thing. It
is a gift from God. Given not because I
deserve it, I am not sober because of what I’ve done, I am sober because God
wants me to sober or not, I ask my Higher power to guide me on what I am doing.
How to plan my meals to serve him, what
direction to take driving my wife to work in tht may seem small stuff but I don’t
know the whole game board, only God does.
My HP has proven the ability to remove the mental obsession
of food. I am learning the more I rely
on His/Her Power, I can live a recovered life. And one aspect of that “recovered”
life means living in a healthy body He is giving me. I’ll be able to tell if I
get self-reliant vs God reliant because if I am not on my way to or at a
medically sound (Not a comfortable, or Okay) body weight, I am still eating
compulsively. God gave me a perfect body for me. My Genetic eye disorder and
all. But I put the weight on. I actively
got fat by choice, bad or good, I did it. Now I have a Higher Power to help me
undo it.

It has been well over a hundred days now. I am food sober for the longest time I have
ever been in my life and I am starting to “comprehend the word serenity” (page
83-84 BBoAA) and I will know peace. But
not because I’m worthy. It is only by
His Grace I can walk in to a restaurant and order I’ve not tried that yet. Maybe someday.
nutritious food in healthy portions. Someday I’ll be at a buffet and only eat one healthy portion.
nutritious food in healthy portions. Someday I’ll be at a buffet and only eat one healthy portion.
What is more important as I walk these twelve steps, I am
starting to believe I may see a healthy weight. I am starting to think God may
have a purpose for me, it’s going to take some time to decipher that purpose,
but I’m sure it does not include all of my current weight
I needed to learn that my Higher Power valued me enough to
help, even if I didn’t. The funny thing is our High Power has already proven
how much He values us. We just are too dense to notice. God is not physical, so why this world around
us? The only reason for the physical
world is for us to live in it. He valued you enough to create everything around
you. Do you value Him/Her enough to live in it?
Purchase Your Personal Paleo CodeGregor - Back from the brink! From there and back again. A spiritual Hobbits journey.
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