On July 4th, 1776, the first Continental Congress ratified the Declaration of independence. It started the separation of the 13 colonies from the British Empire. A separation that had been festering for years. People came to this continent in order to exercise freedoms. And when those freedoms were threatened by “The Crown”, they declared the desire to separate themselves. And they gave reasons why.
In this time of turmoil, there are people within the borders of this country that seeks a drastic change. We are now faced with a similar choice as we had in 1860. A leader of the New York Chapter of Black Lives Matter (BLM) said:
“If this the country doesn’t give us what we
want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right?”
- Hawk Newsome (06/24/2020 - Fox News "The Story" segment)
Mr. Newsome later tried to confuse what he said by “clarifying” his statement adding - “And I could be speaking figuratively. I could be speaking literally. It’s a matter of interpretation”? Talk about Double Speak, George Orwell would be proud. Am I to interpret what he said as either a threat or a threat? Whether figurative or not, the meaning is clear. If the Organization of BLM does not get what they want they will “burn down this system and replace it…” Is that unclear in any way?
I am not speaking figuratively. Let me be clear. I am a supporter of the constitution of the United States of America. I believe in a “Representative Republic” that is based on three branches of government set against each other, whose sole purpose is to protect the rights of the individual person. Even ones I disagree with.
I can agree with the organization of Black Lives Matter (BLM) that this country is in trouble. It is in trouble because we have ceded the path of knowledge to radicals who want to change the facts as they stand.
I stand for the following values:
- All people are created equal, each person has a right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness granted them by the fact of their existence.
- That the government’s sole job is to allow freedom and exercise of the rights of each person. Not collective rights or salvations. Whatever qualifies as salvation is attained by the individual.
- There is a process to extract change in our government and that process is representative in nature.
The war has been going on for years. Their allegiance with AntiFa and Resist Fascism sound like great ideas. But if you use the tactics of the groups you abhor, and the principles you fight for are the same as those you say you are against, then I can only conclude you are the enemy. If you want to establish socialism, please feel free to do it elsewhere. There are choices where you can go. Cuba would probably love to have your money and your labor. Though you might not like the conditions…. Be careful what you wish for.
Destruction of property, private or public is against societal norms. If you are oppressed by an inanimate object, you obviously are a blue pill liberal. The “Blue Pill” allows you to see the world as it is filtered through the narrative of your misconceptions. It encourages an emotional response. James 3:16 “For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing” (NASB). Oddly enough every culture that has had any success has striven for less selfishness and more thought and service. “Alcoholics Anonymous” speaks of “Selfishness – Self-centeredness! That we think is the root of our problem (Page 63 1st Paragraph)> The Qur'an teaches selflessness is the path to salvation (Example Qur’an 76:7-11). Buddhist promote selfless-ness too:
The burden of Selfishness by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu:
Selfishness gives rise to love, greed, anger, hatred, fear, worry, frustration, envy, jealousy, possessiveness. All of these are aspects of selfishness. Love through fear and worry, are just different aspects of selfishness. All this is such a powerfully destructive burden upon the mind. It weighs the mind down. If we get outside of our little worlds and start to observe what is really happening around us and also within us, if we come out of our clouds, break free of our daydreams, and really look, we shall see all this selfishness and all the harm and pain that it causes, both to ourselves and to others, This is the burden of selfishness.
So America I ask you to return to the roots of our founding. That the focus of Government is not the benefit specific individuals, but to promote equal opportunity for all. In Government, less is more in all things. To understand that the contention between the House of Representatives and the Senate was on purpose. So that the large States could not dictate to the smaller States and that the individual right to pursue happiness as they see fit can be preserved.
Anyone that uses force on you has only one intent, to take what you have. You are encouraged to share, but no group should take it. Destroying businesses, insured or not, is wrong. It is selfish and that path leads to destruction. Defend yourselves to the fullest extent of your ability.
I am a Christian, a Husband, a Father, and an American. All of those balance together to give me the principles that guide me. I believe in freedom, choices are what proves you have freedom. Though I do not agree with everybody, everybody has a right to believe what they want. But they do not get to tell me what I believe or how to believe it. The Socialist agenda is just the opposite.
I do not want to start a fight. Sadly, that has already been done. But I am willing to end it.
Gregor - Back from the brink! From there and back again. A spiritual Hobbits journey.
#ProudAmerican, #RepresentativeRepublic, #BurnYourOwnFlag