As Americans, we should be looking at personal responsibility to solve this problem. People keep yelling for more government control, but that can not work. It is that simple.
I would love to be able to use China as an example of what to do. But we can’t believe what is being said from there. So what other sources do we have?
There was an article sent to me by an author (Dietmar Wehr) that I follow. He has written some excellent Sci-Fi books. Though some of his newer stuff as started contain sex and foul language. One does What they want to sell books.
The article is called Corona Virus, the Hammer and the Dance.
Though I am not a fan of the conclusions, there are some interesting things in the article. It is long and technical. So here is what I see that applies to me as an American.
The countries suffering the least are either – not reporting it because they are not technically able to, or they are sparsely populated. As of his writing, the World Health Organization (WHO) does not have any reported cases in Botswana, Lesotho or Swaziland. These examples I use because I have been there. It’s possible they do not have the means to report on this. But all of these countries are not as backward as some may think. So if they have seen the virus, I would expect that the reporting would have happened. The ods of a remote village, that nobody ever travels to internationally, is unlikely to be infected. But capital cities, where the airport and business centers are, will get it most likely. These countries have hospitals, many staffed by western doctors, and the ability to communicate.
Social distancing works!
Sparse countries have a lower infection rate. So if we do our best to stay separated, if people who are sick self-quarantine immediately and we do not try to physically interact – You can avoid getting sick. The idea that SARS-CoV 2 (Covid-19 or CV-19) is here to stay is a reality. Just like the Swine, Spanish or Avian flu, these all still infect us over 100 years after the first outbreak. Be smart and be voluntary.
Why take the mask off?
Many people have surgical or dust masks, and some are worthless. It is most important that you wear a mask to protect others, NOT yourself. An N95 mask without a valve will capture 95% of the water droplets from your cough or sneeze. If it has a valve, though more comfortable, it will not stop you from infecting others. And that is what a mask is for. Let the Medical/Emergency field have the masks. You are better off breathing fresh air and getting out in the sun. But at a safe distance from others.
What other things not really mentioned?
Take care of your neighbors.
People who live within sight of your property, are your neighbors. The lone prepper or hermit has less chance of survival than the person who works in their community. If you have not seen your neighbor check on them, Just say hello thorough the door, if you have extra, share, if you are going on a supply run, offer to pick stuff up. It is called common decency.
People panic and horde – Don’t play.
The current toilet paper shortages are a ridiculous sign. There are people buying tons of it. Some of them will resell it at outrageous prices. Don’t pay or Play! Black markets happen when the supply is short. They thrive because people use them. If somebody has bought out a bunch of stuff to sell at higher prices, don’t play. Businesses are free ration or set their prices. People ought to be allowed to buy what they want to. As a free society, it is your personal responsibility to not support bad behavior. If people get stuck with 500 gallons of sanitizer or 1000 pounds of toilet paper, that is not your fault. The supply lines will catch up.
Having “Government” responsible for public action or health can only lead to tyranny. There is no other path. But a Representative Republic can work if “We the People” understand that I, as an individual, am responsible for my neighbor. I have a responsibility to check on them and help them if needed.
Be safe, keep your distance. Defend your neighbor. We can get through this.
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