Is President Biden our Buchanan?
Many consider President Buchanan to be “the worst” president of the United
States. Mr. Buchanan was elected at a far different time, where media was not the same as it was today. Though born in the north, he was Pro-Slavery. He had a penchant for the antebellum society, possibly because of his relationship with his “Vice President to Polk” Mr. De Vane King, of Noth Carolina. He walked into a recession caused in part by the largest insurance company folding. This was long before the Federal Reserve to bail them out. Kansas was voting to become a state, and though Buchanan bore an impeachment hearing for influencing Kansas to the side of Slavery, He was acquitted in Congress but several of his cabinet were cast under suspicion.
Rather like both Obama and Biden whose college days are
locked away from scrutiny. The only thing we have to go on is the scrubbed
information allowed out by the handlers.
Will President Biden score lower than Buchanan?
At his writing, we are almost exactly at 8 months of service
under Joe Biden, President. So let us look at what has happened just off the top
of my head:
The Vaccines that were produced by Pfizer, Maderna
were released in November of 2020. They have proven to be far less effective than
advertised, and serious side effects are far worse for some than expected. Biden’s
fault? Only in the pushing of something that needs improvement.
We no longer have a southern border. People walking across the border to get fast food
without ramifications means there is not a border. Two million people plus, criminally entered the United States, we will never get them out. With those illegal entrants, our
infection rate has ballooned. In 2020 we
had the lowest immigration rate in recorded history. Our infections were half of what we are now
seeing, and that was without a vaccine.
Crime is up nationwide. See number 2 for that plus the lack of response
to the riots perpetrated by BLM Inc.
Murders are up 800% in Portland alone.
Homelessness is up nationwide and the evictions
have not started.
Drug use is up nationwide
Eleven million jobs are waiting for people to
come work, ninety ships are off the coast of Los Angles waiting to be unloaded,
but nobody is there to unload them. Wonder where that thing you ordered last year
Afghanistan – I’ve been checking in on the
hearings and the State Departments' primary defense is the same one that
Hillary Clinton used it during her eMail hearings back in 2016. It boils down to “I’m sorry, I don’t have
that because I am incompetent.” Yes, I am serious. No, they do not use those exact words. But they essentially say they have no way to
get that information. Thank you for your service I expect the resignation of
everybody in your department forthwith, thank you.
We left $85 Billion with functional equipment in
a working airbase. We did not hand the base to the then Military. The transition was incompetent. It was actually criminal.
Border Patrol FALSELY accused of whipping
Criminal Immigrants. The use of horses allows them to move faster and cover
more ground. It is an equalizer in an
unequal situation. The photographer that took the pictures confirmed nobody was
struct with reins. The administration as a whole is lying on purpose. Why?
Reduce the protection on the border, even more, to increase the criminal
immigration with the associated liabilities and increase in SARS-CoV 2
infections that will occur.
The list could continue.
But I think that is impressive for 8 months. Not to mention the States of Texas and New Hampshire
talking of Seceding from the Union.
President Biden has no Idea where the Federal Rights stop
and the State and Individual Rights start.
He says on one side he can’t force a Vaccine. Yet he gets OSHA to force one through “Safety
Regulation” what?
Who will be our Lincoln?
Abraham Lincoln is often touted as one of the better Presidents. It is not that I don’t like him. I just note that he chucked the constitution
multiple times to save the Republic. The
“ends justified the means.” That is a very Democratic/Socialist philosophy. Would I have done anything differently in
Lincoln's shoes? Maybe not. So yeah
there is a challenge.
But how did Lincoln do what he did and then go back to order?
He worked from principle.
He strove to preserve the Union. To pull America back together, to abolish
Slavery. He had a bedrock of things to accomplish he held as important. To have our next civil war not cost millions
of lives, we are going to restore that bedrock of American Principles. The 1861
Civil war cost some 630,000 lives, about 2.3% of the US population. Just for
fun let us pretend we have not learned how to kill each other more efficiently which
means we could estimate a civil war would claim about 7.6 million.
So many died of infection and such we might be able to lower that, but
with explosives, etc, we have gotten pretty efficient so maybe not.
Who would work on principle? That is the question we need to
look at, and not just for our President.
If we looked for representatives of principle at every level, our
freedom could be guaranteed again in no time.
In 2022 in Oregon will be electing our Governor, the District
Attorneys in many of our communities but especially in Multnomah County Oregon, who released rioters and caused much of the current crime problems. I will not suggest who to vote for. I encourage you to decide what to vote for.
Biden won because people voted against Donald Trump. They did not vote for Biden. They voted
against President Trump and his Tweets, and abrasive personality. Now, look at
what that got us.
Understand this is what you voted for. Claiming “I didn’t know” is just like saying “Sorry
I am incompetent” to your boss. Because
those who looked at who Joe Biden was working with knew this is what would
happen. We just got Obama 2.0. Not that Obama is running this. Just many of the
people who were in his administration are also in Joe Biden’s. Drone Strikes on
Innocents again are in the news, just like before.
What can you do about it”?
Stop being quiet!
It is not time to riot, or use force. It is time to speak and do so loudly. It is
time to run for the local office. The Media thinks you like the garbage they
produce. They think you believe them. Make
it clear you do not. Verify what I say, verify what they say. Believe no one. Speak out THE truth. Not Your Truth or My Truth.
There are self-evident truths. All people are created equal and are endowed
by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. Among those are the rights to
Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of happiness. The purpose of our government, instituted
among people, is to secure these liberties for ourselves and our posterity.
Not to restrict them.
And yet here we are. “For safety.”
Before SARSCoV 2 you were at risk of death walking out your
door without a mask. If you are 45 or
younger and healthy, you are still at risk about the same amount, with our
without a Vaccine of dying with Covid as you were before Covid. Your risk
changes based on health, weight, blood condition, and type as well as age. So talk to your doctor as to whether a vaccine
is right for you. I am not against vaccines nor a doctor.
If you want to live free, start doing so, and make them stop
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