
Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Is 44 countries enough?

In 27 of 44 Countries, Mandatory Face Masks reduce Deaths?

Recently in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine published a study declaring that the mandatory use of masks in the SARS-CoV-2 and MERS environment prevented deaths.  It was a “ModelingCovid-19 Mortality across 44 Countries” indicating face coverings “may reduce” mortality.  The study was simple enough but it brought to my mind some questions. I have always thought the most important part of any discussion was asking the right questions.  The basic results of the study indicated there were 288 deaths per million people in countries that did not mandate masks and only 48 per million in countries that did.  A significant difference. Two things to point out about this is that the death rate in both instances was very low.  Even the 288 as almost the same as a Flu epidemic of two one-hundredths of 1% death rate in the population.  That is still higher than four one-thousandth of 1% for the masked.

NOTE: The data for this study was from February to May 2020 so Vaccines were not a factor.

Why deaths?

In the material the claim was it reduced virial load.  Maybe I suppose, but then just simple isolation would also be a determining factor and that does not seem to be true. People place in isolation still get worse. They paid no attention to the infection rate, which in some of these places we know to be quiet high.

We know from experience that despite masking: age, population density and general population health are contributing factors.

Was age a factor?

According to the model, the average age for the 17 “non-masking” countries was slightly higher at 42 years old versus 41 years old on average for the 27 countries forcing the masking.  This really does not sound like a lot.  Until you understand that the over 60 population was moderately higher in those non-masking, immigration was major factor and as well as population density which was higher in the 17 non-masking countries. This would indicate a more stressed medical community and possibly lead to a higher death rate on its own merits.

Did the 27 lower death rate masked countries have a different treatment protocol?

It is not indicated in the research if any protocols were used in the lower death rate countries different than the non-mask countries either.  If the treatment methods were the same, then the study is valid.  If most if not all of the masked countries also used varied treatments or any significant treatment at all, then the study is really flawed.  Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were already being used in some places by then.

Assuming that just masking was the primary factor is a false promise.  There is also no real indication that they looked at the population’s compliance.  It is one thing to force a mandate, it is another to comply.  Japan is known to have one of the highest mask compliant populations at 91%, Ireland is about 88%.  So the level of compliance could affect the results.

Why 44 countries?

I am always skeptical of limited quantity studies.  Back in the 1960s the “Mediterranean Diet” was based on something called the 7 Countries studies. Seven countries had diets that were low in Saturated fat and high in carbohydrates that had a low rate of heart disease.  It made Olive oil a cure-all and was touted as the secret to a long life.  Soon after America became a far more obese nation.  What is never mentioned is that they had data for some 30+ countries.  They chose 7 because the charts made the wanted result. Low fat, moderate carb, less heart disease.   In truth, if you mapped all the data there was no conclusion in the amount of saturated fat.  Countries like Switzerland and France wherein there, both had high fat, medium to low carb diets, yet their level of cardiovascular disease was also minimal. 

So here we are with a minimal sample size really.  It was too complicated to use county data in the US or province data in Canada because, well I don’t know.  So we have 44 countries picked out of probably 70 we have data for?

When you limit your data, it always looks like you want a specific result.  That is the joy of statistics.  You can always get the results you want, it is just how you look at the data points. So I  encourage you to be skeptical.  There is an awful lot we are not being told. 

What percentage of deaths in the US are vaccinated?  In Oregon, 99% of people over 65 are vaccinated. And they account for 90+ percent of the deaths in the state.  So how many of them are vaccinated?  Nobody will say. Some states have indicated 50% of those dying are vaccinated.  60% o the new infections are vaccinated.  To me, the vaccine, that I did get, does not seem to be effective.

Why are miscarriages up over 60% in Invitro Fertilization Clinics Nationwide among vaccinated women over 2019?

Why are cardiovascular issues up 100% in men below 40 and in good health nationwide in 2021?

Why are school districts in Oregon asking children to eat lunch in 35 degrees in December when the risk of death in children below 16 is so low, vaccinated or not?

Asking questions is how we learn.  Asking the right question is how we advance.  Currently I wear a mask for the fear of others.  Not because I am afraid of them, but because they are afraid of me.  It is a sad situation.

Next time you see a person with a mask remember it is YOUR FEAR that drives that.  

Here’s a question: How long do you want to live in fear? 

Gregor - Back from the brink! From there and back again. A spiritual Hobbits journey.

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