
Friday, April 17, 2020

Breaking news – The NIH funded the Wuhan Viral institute’s research in to CV19

Dateline YouTube 9:30 PM Pacific time.

Before Bed tonight I watched “Verdict with Ted Cruze” on You Tube.  Ted apparently reads my blog.  But the most interesting thing is that the US National Institute of Health (AKA NIH) spent &73,301 in research to the Wuhan Virology Research Institute on Corona Viruses from Bats, and the impact on human biology. Why we would send this money all over the world (about $3.7M+ dollars world-wide) in research is beyond me.  Apparently, part of the research was on human fetal samples. So Human experimentation.


So here we are with a global pandemic at least partially funded by the United States.  Guess what gang, let us do the research here, at least them we can be responsible for the results.  Good or bad.
Not that funding medical research is a bad thing.  But given the history of China and other research facilities, maybe this was a bad idea.  According to toe Congressman Matt Gaetz, this is not new activity.

Do we ever know where your money goes? 

Gregor - Back from the brink! From there and back again. A spiritual Hobbits journey.

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