
Thursday, April 2, 2020

How to Avoid the Downfall - "Inside Out" A Movie by Disney

With all the changes we are going through, things are changing.  Some are temporary and some will be permanent.  We are changing our culture on a fundamental level. Alcohol sales have risen 45%, which is consumable alcohol.  Will all of that be used to sterilize things?  Probably not.

Fair warning: We sill see at least 100k people dying from CoVid-19 in the United States alone. Next year could be as bad if not worse.  We are in for rough times. We have only experienced 4% of that number in losses as of this writing (04/02/2020). So things will get worse.  But how we react to that is the question.  Remember 100K is less than 0.03% of the US population.  A lot of people, but the math is in your favor.

Would some of these changes have happened anyway?

Probably. Some things like Tele-Education, Tele-Commuting and other Virtual Meeting tools will become the norm.  Back in the 1940s and 50s, the technology of “Dick Tracey” was considered irrational.  But since the “Smart Phone” revolution, we’ve had that technology in our hands.

But change is hard!

If it is an escape from reality like Porn or Gambling, or if it is to alter your perception like Drugs or Alcohol, or if even it is a matter of eating things that make you “feel better,” is of no matter. The end result is always the same, self-destructive behavior.

Alcoholics Anonymous - Non-Affiliate
I do work with a 12 step program.  I do have sponsees that I work with. And one of the assignments they get from me is to watch or read certain materials. My primary source is, of course, the big book of “Alcoholic’s Anonymous.” One of the things I stress is journaling why you partake in .  An honest person will find that sometime in the past they concluded that this addiction benefited them. It is an irrational thought, but it is why you keep it up. 

There is one artistic work I recommend that is a “Non-Approved” material.  The kid's movie “Inside Out”: A Disney film that explores emotions and how we respond to it.  And that is the secret of addiction, how we respond to our emotions.  That is where the danger of being “restless, irritable and discontented”(RID)- Alcoholics Anonymous, from “The Doctors Opinion”) comes from.

What I find interesting about this simple movie is that it gently deals with the root of many societal ills.  

Whether it be the cancel culture, the rift between socialist and conservative or the issues inside one's self, the lack o ability to reconcile our cognitive dissidence between emotion, rational thought, and physical results.

 YouTube Movie - Inside Out
Inside Out Disney Studios
A strong recommendation is to enjoy the movie “Inside Out” (Now Available Free on YouTube) Pay attention at the end when they go into different peoples heads, and pay attention to what emotions have the rule over the different people.

During these new times, am I reacting with the emotion of intellect?

Emotions are not bad, but being ruled by them is a disaster in progress.  The Stoics of ancient Greek fame had a good idea.  Acknowledge your emotions, but allow intellect to control your decisions. The Bible spends 66 books and spans 5000 years of history demonstrating this.  A religion that speaks to emotional rule, is one destined to end in self-destruction.  People who have used the Quaran’ or the Bible to drive an emotional result have done so to their destruction.

So if you have some time on your hand, watch “Inside Out” and try to picture the committee that rules your head.  You can’t eliminate the committee, but you can bring it to order.  And that is were sobriety lives.  With a committee under guidance.

Gregor - Back from the brink! From there and back again. A spiritual Hobbits journey.

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